2007 AMM National Rendezvous

Capitaine and Booshway

The 2007 AMM Nationals was held from 24-30 June, hosted by the Manuel Lisa Party, and booshwayed by Gene Hickman. The site was on Odell Creek in the Pioneer mountains south of Wise River Montana. The campsite was about 1/3 a mile from the trailhead and parking area traveling through lush meadows with beaver ponds and home to brookies, golden trout, cutthroat trout, and grayling.  Rocky Mountain Colleges were held  each day with additional discussion groups in the evening, put on by both members of the AMM and WFT. The Grand Council meeting was Thursday, with a potluck that evening. Over the week 93 members and guests of the AMM and WFT attended. The pilgrims in attendance were able to complete all their requirements except the first two.  WFT awarded belts to sisters who completed their requirements for advancement as well.




Bronze medallions are $6 plus actual shipping




Arriving at Camp


Big Guns


Trade Tent


Camp Meetings


Lee Newbill Memorial


Women of the Fur Trade Camp


Women of the Fur Trade Advancements



Horse Camp


Pot Luck


Rocky Mountain Colleges

Kid's College

Gene Hickman put on a kid's college with games and clay marbles


Beaver Trapping and Care

Beaver trapping and care colleges were put on by Greg "Beaverboy" Muich, Steve Hill, and Mike Nottingham.


Dog Travois

Dog travois use and construction presented by Candi Smith of Women of the Fur Trade




Clothing of the Fur Trade

Clay Landry


Guns of the Fur Trade

Larry Walker discussed and showed guns of the fur trade both originals and replicas.


Sign Language

Gene Hickman put on sign classes throughout the week



Primitive Skills

Melvin Beattie put on classes on cordage, fire making, knapping, snares and traps throughout the week


Party Members  Manuel Lisa  Articles  Equipment

 Events and Pictures Links  Trade Blanket  Historical Documentation