Beaver Camp 2007



    The 10th Annual Spring Beaver Trapping Trip took place the weekend of March 30-April 1st.
     It was located on a wonderful spot along the Sun River. The owner was gracious enough to allow us to have our camp at his hunting property.
    We spotted much fresh beaver and coon sign. The area is secluded and right on the Sun River with Adobe Creek and another irrigation ditch running through the property.

    The emphasis of this camp was of course -beaver trapping. We trapped with only historical methods.


    Karl was our top trapper at the 10 Annual Spring Beaver Trapping Camp. Karl's river set for beaver ended up taking 3 beaver!! Way to go Karl. 

    Karl's Adobe creek set ended up taking 1 muskrat and 1 raccoon.
    My sets took 1 coon, 1 rat and 1 large buck mink.
    Walt's set was sprung once with some beaver belly fur in it but ended up taking a raccoon.
    Melvin's muskrat set caught 2 rats in as many nights.
          3 beaver
          3 rats
          3 coon
          1 mink
    Thats what it was all about! Some good trapping and no one got killed by the Blackfeet!


Way to go Walt and Karl for having going into the cold Sun River in their mocs up to their knees and setting beaver traps the old fashion way!!  The weather went from a low of 0 (zero) degrees (frozen-in traps) to highs in the forties. All traps were set the old fashion way-taking the plunge up to your gonads. Walt showed all the young guys that he is the toughest hombre in our party once again!






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