Fall Camp 2006

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The MLP 2006 Fall camp was held September 29, 30 and October 1, 2006 on Odell Creek 1/3 mile above the trailhead in the Beaverhead National Forest 24 miles south of Wise River, Montana. Party members attending were Gene Hickman, Greg Muich, Mike Nottingham, Mike Staigmiller and Walt Walker. Walt Harper, AMM recently moved to Montana, was a guest and was accepted into our party during this camp. Melvin Beattie from Helena also attended as a guest of Gene Hickman. AMM members Doc Ivory, Montana Brigade Booshway and Cliff Tiffey, UMO Booshway also attended coming in on horseback Friday and riding out late Saturday afternoon.
The weather for this camp was perfect fall weather. The snowfall of a few days previous had melted and campfires were again permitted, which allowed Melvin to demonstrate the use of bow and hand drills for starting campfires. Each of the party members was able to successfully use the bow drill and some also were able to use the hand drill. Melvin also discussed with us materials which work and those that do not. 
One member, Mike S., completed his requirements to become a bossloper during this camp.
The reason this site was chosen for fall camp is because it will also be the site for the 2007 AMM National Rendezvous and we as a party needed to go over the ground to determine camp layout for that event. In this, Doc and Cliff made some helpful suggestions and comments. We then proceeded to select the sites for the headquarters tent, MLP camp area, a spring fed drinking water source, an area for some of the Rocky Mountain Colleges and finally, latrines sites. Odell Creek will provide drinking water for stock and there is plenty of grass for stock and plenty of campsites for AMM members to choose from. 
This fall camp was an excellent event enjoyed by all of us there.
Walt Walker, AMM 1898
Booshway, MLP Fall Camp, 2006

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